Sky Scrapers to Sprawl: Garbage Knows No “City Limits”

Zoe Stein

Sky Scrapers to Sprawl: Garbage Knows No “City Limits”

I was warned that it would be hot and that it would be humid but this did not faze me. I’m a New Yorker who spends August in Arizona and July in New York. In fact, I found this weather warning to be almost amusing. I was also told I would experience mass transit in a whole new dimension and witness unprecedented levels of density. I was sure that those who told me this believed it to be true, as they had never commuted from Brooklyn to Westchester at the climax of Friday peak hours.

And I was correct. Yes it was hot and I was perpetually sweaty but this was truly not a big deal. Their subway (MTR) was a bit packed, I’ll admit, but it was too efficient for me to be bothered by it’s subtle likeness to a sardine can.

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