Missing Nepal


Missing Nepal

Almost every day since arriving back in the U.S., I have longed for a plate of dal bhat and a side of momos. I yearn to greet everyone with “Namaste” rather than “hello” and wear my billowy harem pants to work every day. I did not really think that reverse-culture shock was a thing until I came home and started missing Nepal like crazy. I miss walking down the non-existent sidewalks, passing by the rainbow buildings. I miss being surrounded by centuries of history and ancient legends. Most of all, I miss the people – their dedication to culture and resilient hearts that have been frightened by natural disaster cannot be forgotten.

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Simple, Not Struggling


Simple, Not Struggling

By Lindsay Zapata

Coming from a corner of the world with access to state-of-the-art facilities, it is easy to make quick judgments about resources in developing nations. But organizations such as the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS) in Lumle, Nepal prove that the use of materials is more important than the materials themselves. One of the well-used lab spaces at the center – though the dimly-lit room is scattered chaotically with equipment – is home to exceptional work provided by researchers every day. The organization uses its large sites to train farmers on inventive techniques that look toward creating more sustainable food systems and better energy conservation efforts. The scientific innovation starting in rural Nepal sparks a global message: living simply does not mean living in struggle.

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A Fresh Start in Pokhara


A Fresh Start in Pokhara

By Lindsay Zapata

The minute I got out of the hospital I was ready for adventure, and what better place to start than beautiful Pokhara? Nestled among the Annapurna mountain range and the blissfully-blue Fewa Lake, it was impossible for me to feel anything but tranquility and a reinvigorated spirit. Ever since signing up for this study abroad program in December, I had dreamed of seeing Fewa Lake in person. Every day I reimagined of how it would look and feel to meet such majesty in person – so much that I had a Google image of it saved as my phone wallpaper for weeks. Seeing it in person was much more magical than I could have ever anticipated.

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Expect the Unexpected


Expect the Unexpected

By Lindsay Zapata

My senses had never felt a high like this. I heard car horns buzzing, watched eddies of people converging with the flow of traffic, smelled a faint haze of pollution hanging in the air – all while being jolted around in a taxi on a road without rules. My first impression of Kathmandu was almost as overwhelmingly crazy as I had expected in the best way possible. Upon first setting foot on the street, you can’t help but become one with the wild crowds and keep yourself from greeting every friendly face with a warm “Namaste.”

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