People Just Don’t Get It…or Just Don’t Care

Siddhanth Paralkar

People Just Don’t Get It…or Just Don’t Care

Two months back from Guatemala and it’s safe to say I am back in my normal routine. It took a few weeks to get out of the funk I was in. Depressed? No, I just felt like I was alone in my own little place, daydreaming of Guatemala. I certainly wasn’t alone. The parasite I brought back kept me company for a week or so. And it seemed like every day there was someone new asking “how was your trip?”. Unfortunately, it felt like a majority of them were not genuine questions. They seemed more like a common courtesy hello as opposed to really caring about the response that was to follow. Kind of like when people say ‘how are you?”. Most people aren’t expecting anything more than an “I’m good” and then continue on with their day. I just sensed a not really caring thing from people. And not so much about me per se, but most were disinterested in hearing about the issues and problems I witnessed in Guatemala. The comment “Yeah, that’s just how it is in those places” seems like it was a response option to a survey question, which everyone kept choosing.

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