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Daniel Mahkee

Daniel Mahkee

IGERT in Urban Ecology Associate, School of Life Sciences


School of Life Sciences
Arizona State University
PO Box 874501
Tempe, AZ 85287-4501


  • IGERT in Urban Ecology Associate, School of Life Sciences



Singer, C. K., C. A. Martin and D. K. Mahkee. 2005. The legacy of former drip-irrigation and pruning practices on two landscape shrubs: Effects on growth rate and leaf morphology after two years. Poster presented at the 19 January 2005 CAP LTER Seventh Annual Poster Symposium, International Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (link )


Mahkee, D. K. and C. A. Martin. 2004. Growth of two landscape shrubs following severe pruning: Evidence of a hysteretic effect of former irrigation and pruning practices. Poster presented at the 23 February 2004 Sixth Annual CAP LTER Poster Symposium, Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. (link )

Mahkee, D. K. and C. A. Martin. 2004. Leaf morphological plasticity of two landscape shrub taxa in response to a change in shrub pruning practices. Poster presented at the 23 February 2004 Sixth Annual CAP LTER Poster Symposium, Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. (link )

Martin, C. A., L. B. Stabler, K. A. Peterson, S. B. Celestian, D. K. Mahkee and C. K. Singer. 2004. Residential landscape water use, 1998 to 2003. Poster presented at the 23 February 2004 Sixth Annual CAP LTER Poster Symposium, Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. (link )

Singer, C. K., C. A. Martin, L. B. Stabler and D. K. Mahkee. 2004. Influences of drip irrigation rate and pruning on electrical conductivity of soil surrounding two landscape shrubs. Poster presented at the 23 February 2004 Sixth Annual CAP LTER Poster Symposium, Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. (link )


Mahkee, D. K. and C. A. Martin. 2003. Leaf morphology of four landscape taxa in response to irrigation volume and pruning frequency. Presented at February 19, 2003, CAP LTER Fifth Annual Poster Symposium, Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. (link )