The demand deficit

Namespace: WaterSimDCDC
Assembly: WaterSimDCDC_API (in WaterSimDCDC_API.dll) Version: (


public providerArrayProperty_readonly Demand_Deficit
Visual Basic
Public Demand_Deficit As providerArrayProperty_readonly


The annual difference between demand and supply (demand - supply), 0 if supply is larger than demand. Units AF. This is a good candidate as a indicator parameter. There are a number of management actions that can be taken, and reflected in the model parameters to manage water supplies and demand. A community's demand exceeding supply is an indicator of either a non-sustainable water resources budget or inadequate management of available water supplies and demand. Both indicate an unresolved water resource issue for the community. Currently there is no feedback in the model to reduce growth (thus demand growth) for a community when a demand deficit occurs, nor a feedback to allocate this growth to other providers.

See Also