The WaterSim_DB type exposes the following members.


Public methodColorado_Historical_Extraction_Start_Year_RangeCheck
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodCreateDirectory
Creates a Directory of directoryName if it does not exist. Relative references is from the directory the program is executing from
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodCreateNewDataTable
Creates a new table in the open database. Must be a unique name. Creates all possible fields.
Public methodDispose
Must be called before WaterSim object loses scope or is lost (reassigned).
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodFastGetAnnualData
Fast get annual data.
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodGetErrorMessage
Gets the error message.
Public methodLoadScenario_DB
Loads a scenario from a database.
Public methodLockSimulation
Locks the simulation so not parameters can be set until unlocked. ///
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodPCTEffluentRangeCheck
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodPCTReclaimedRangeCheck
PCTReclaimedRangeCheck - Check to see of all the PCT reclaimed model paramters do nt eceeed 100% total
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodPCTResComRangeCheck
PCTResComRangeCheck - Checks to see if Residential an Commerical water use PCT does not excede 100.
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodProvider_Demand_Option_Label
Provider demand option label.
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodSaltVerde_Historical_Extraction_Start_Year_RangeCheck
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodSimulation_AllYears
Runs all the years of the Simulation based on Simulation_STart_Year and Simulation_End_year, If initialized with one of the DB Simulation_Initilaize() overloads, will append data to the datatable, otehrwise just runs the model all years.
(Overrides WaterSim..::..Simulation_AllYears()()()().)
Public methodSimulation_Initialize()()()()
Must be called to setup a Simulation . Simulation can be run in two ways, calling SimulationNextYear() for each year to be run, call SimulationAllYears() which runs all the years All simulations should be stopped with StopSimulation(), which will make sure all files are closed Will reset SimulationLock to false;
(Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodSimulation_Initialize(DataTable, String)
Initializes a DB Simulation. results will be appended to the specified DataTable
Public methodSimulation_Initialize(String, String)
Initializes a DB Simulation. Opens the datatable using DbConnection and datatablename, results will be written to temp DataTable and then updated in the Database.
Public methodSimulation_NextYear
Runs the next (or first) year of the Simulation. If initialized with one of the DB Simulation_Initilaize() overloads, will append data to the datatable, otehrwise just runs the model one year.
(Overrides WaterSim..::..Simulation_NextYear()()()().)
Public methodSimulation_Stop
Stops the Simulation. If initialized with one of the DB Simulation_Initilaize() overloads, will update the datatable in the database.
(Overrides WaterSim..::..Simulation_Stop()()()().)
Public methodsimulationYears (Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodUnLockSimulation (Inherited from WaterSim.)
Public methodValid_DataTable
Check if Valid WaterSIM_DB datatable

See Also