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North Desert Village Experiment - a landscaping experiment in neighborhoods of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area: 2003-2014

Publication date: 2016-06-24


  • David Casagrande, Lehigh University
  • Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
  • Diane Hope
  • Chris Martin, Arizona State University


The North Desert Village (NDV) landscape experiment at the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus was designed to give a platform for CAP LTER researchers to study human–landscape interactions. Four residential landscape design and water-delivery types established in blocks of six households each (mini-neighborhoods) mirrored the four prevailing residential yardscape types found across the greater Phoenix metropolitan area: (1) Mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass, (2) Oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass, (3) Xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate, and (4) Native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate without supplemental water. Six additional households are monitored in a control treatment area that did not receive landscaping treatment or supplemental water. Major research questions include: How do landscape design and irrigation methods affect net primary productivity and under-canopy microclimate, and soil nutrient pools and fluxes. In addition, the mini-neighborhoods at NDV were incorporated into CAP LTER biodiversity monitoring programs, facilitating insights into insect abundance and diversity, and bird activity in these experimental treatment areas. During summer 2005, the landscape and irrigation systems for each of the treatment areas were completed. During spring 2006, micrometeorological (micromet) stations were installed in the central common area of each treatment area. Data continually monitored included soil temperature, soil heat flux, and volumetric water content of soil at 30-cm depth. Air temperature at 2-m height and soil-surface temperature (recorded by an infrared thermometer at 2-m height) were also monitored regularly. Landscape irrigation water application volumes were recorded approximately monthly, and the electric meters of treatment-area dwellings were monitored for a period. These data allowed scientists working at NDV insight into research questions involving water conservation and urban heating, undercanopy layer microclimates, and water-use efficiency.


Temporal Coverage:

2003-02-12 to 2014-06-09

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-111.6814 to -111.677181
Latitude:33.31442 to 33.30959


Data Manager, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 
PO Box 875402,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (17) :

Tabular: 628_electricMeter_6f37788ff0008432f3fb81b5d95c4882.csv

Description: electric meter readings of dwellings in mesic and common landscaping treatment neighborhoods of the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • control: neighborhood that did receive landscaping treatment
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
dwelling_id id of the specific dwelling in that treatment area
reading_date date of meter reading
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
meter_reading meter reading
notes reading notes

Tabular: 628_waterMeter_a6c7e0f4907a22bf6b8aece84d99c4fd.csv

Description: water-meter readings that reflect water application to the landscape of the common area, and area around dwellings in neighborhoods of the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment

Column Description Type Units
site_id landscaping treatment
reading_date date of meter reading
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
meter_reading meter reading
notes reading notes

Tabular: 628_micromet_a07a430e6e138f901204c7c6c59bbf7c.csv

Description: micrometeorological and subsurface readings in common landscaping treatment areas of the CAP LTER North Desert Village

Column Description Type Units
treatment neighborhood landscape type
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample_date date of measurement
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
sample_time time of measurement
Format: HH:MM:SS
battery_voltage battery voltage
panel_temp temperature of logger
air_temp air temperature at 2-m height
soil_temp1 soil temperature at 30-cm depth (one of two sensors)
soil_temp2 soil temperature at 30-cm depth (one of two sensors
volum_water1 volumetric water content
volum_water2 volumetric water content
soil_heat_flux1 soil heat flux at 30-cm depth (one of two sensors)
soil_heat_flux2 soil heat flux at 30-cm depth (one of two sensors)
surf_temp_mean mean (5-min readings averaged hourly) soil-surface temperature recorded by an infrared thermometer at 2-m height
surf_temp_max maximum (5-min readings averaged hourly) soil-surface temperature recorded by an infrared thermometer at 2-m height
surf_temp_min minimum (5-min readings averaged hourly) soil-surface temperature recorded by an infrared thermometer at 2-m height
battery_flag data quality flag corresponding to logger battery
panel_temp_flag data quality flag corresponding to logger temperature
air_temp_flag data quality flag corresponding to air temperature reading
soil_temp1_flag data quality flag corresponding to soil temperature reading (one of two sensors)
soil_temp2_flag data quality flag corresponding to soil temperature reading (one of two sensors)
volum_water1_flag data quality flag corresponding to soil moisture reading (one of two sensors)
volum_water2_flag data quality flag corresponding to soil moisture reading (one of two sensors)
soil_heat_flux1_flag data quality flag corresponding to soil head flux reading (one of two sensors)
soil_heat_flux2_flag data quality flag corresponding to soil head flux reading (one of two sensors)
surf_temp_mean_flag data quality flag corresponding to mean surface temperature reading
surf_temp_max_flag data quality flag corresponding to maximum surface temperature reading
surf_temp_min_flag data quality flag corresponding to minimum surface temperature reading

Tabular: 628_baseline_density_pH_cond_ec4fc7387194718c672ec03c543c36ef.csv

Description: bulk density, pH, and conductance values of soil core samples (4.8-cm interior diameter, 10-cm depth) collected at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site prior to the installation of landscape treatments

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type and the dwelling number corresponding to that yard or COMMON in the case of the common area
sample_id sample location relative to the dwelling or a replicate number only in the case of common area samples
  • F1: front yard, replicate 1
  • F2: front yard, replicate 2
  • F3: front yard, replicate 3
  • F4: front yard, replicate 4
  • B1: back yard, replicate 1
  • B2: back yard, replicate 2
  • B3: back yard, replicate 3
  • B4: back yard, replicate 4
  • S1: side yard, replicate 1
  • S2: side yard, replicate 2
  • S3: side yard, replicate 3
  • S4: side yard, replicate 4
  • T1: tree or shrub, replicate 1
  • T2: tree or shrub, replicate 2
  • T3: tree or shrub, replicate 3
  • T4: tree or shrub, replicate 4
  • T5: tree or shrub, replicate 5
  • T6: tree or shrub, replicate 6
  • T7: tree or shrub, replicate 7
  • T8: tree or shrub, replicate 8
  • 1: common area, replicate 1
  • 2: common area, replicate 2
  • 3: common area, replicate 3
  • 4: common area, replicate 4
  • 5: common area, replicate 5
gps_id soil sampling location id in the baselineSoilSamplingLocations shapefile
sample_date date of sample collection
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
core_height depth of the soil core
soil_FW fresh weight of soil sample used for analysis
lt2mm_DW dry weight of soil fraction less than 2 mm in size
gt2mm_DW dry weight of soil fraction greater than 2 mm in size
veg_DW dry weight of plant matter in soil sample
soil_DW sum of dry weight of soil fractions less than 2 mm (lt2mm_DW) and greater than 2 mm (gt2mm_DW)
bulk_density measure of the weight of the soil per unit volume
notes sample or processing notes
pH pH value of soil
conductance conductance value of soil

Tabular: 628_baselineTexture_0a9bc523b565d01f8712349e130bb9ce.csv

Description: soil texture values of soil core samples (4.8-cm interior diameter, 10-cm depth) collected at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site prior to the installation of landscape treatments. This method used here is from: Gee, G.W., and J.W. Bauder 1986. Particle size analysis. p. 383-411. In: A. Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis, part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods. 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr. 9 ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI. (2ed edition)

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type and the dwelling number corresponding to that yard or COMMON in the case of the common area
sample_id sample location relative to the dwelling or a replicate number only in the case of common area samples
  • F1: front yard, replicate 1
  • F2: front yard, replicate 2
  • F3: front yard, replicate 3
  • F4: front yard, replicate 4
  • B1: back yard, replicate 1
  • B2: back yard, replicate 2
  • B3: back yard, replicate 3
  • B4: back yard, replicate 4
  • S1: side yard, replicate 1
  • S2: side yard, replicate 2
  • S3: side yard, replicate 3
  • S4: side yard, replicate 4
  • T1: tree or shrub, replicate 1
  • T2: tree or shrub, replicate 2
  • T3: tree or shrub, replicate 3
  • T4: tree or shrub, replicate 4
  • T5: tree or shrub, replicate 5
  • T6: tree or shrub, replicate 6
  • T7: tree or shrub, replicate 7
  • T8: tree or shrub, replicate 8
  • 1: common area, replicate 1
  • 2: common area, replicate 2
  • 3: common area, replicate 3
  • 4: common area, replicate 4
  • 5: common area, replicate 5
gps_id soil sampling location id in the baselineSoilSamplingLocations shapefile
sample_date date of sample collection
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
analysis_date date of sample analysis
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
batch batch of samples analyzed (for associating lab blanks)
soil_texture_FW sample weight of soil for texture analysis
temperature initial temperature reading
R0.5 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 30 seconds
R1 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 1 minute
T1 temperature reading at 1 minute
R90 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 90 minutes
T90 temperature reading at 90 minutes
R1440 hydrometer reading of soil solution at 24 hours
T1440 temperature reading at 24 hours
ratio_DWFW soil moisture correction factor from the ratio of dry weight to fresh weight
sample_note notes pertaining to the sample
processing_note notes pertaining to sample processing

Tabular: 628_baselineNitrogen_762bde35456e8026d5d1418812bb9706.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to extractable soil nitrogen concentrations at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site prior to the installation of landscape treatments

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type and the dwelling number corresponding to that yard or COMMON in the case of the common area
top_bottom top or bottom layer of the 1-inch soil core
  • top: top ten centimeters of the soil core (0-10 cm)
  • bottom: bottom twenty centimeters of the soil core (10-30 cm)
sample_id sample location relative to the dwelling or a replicate number only in the case of common area samples
  • F1: front yard, replicate 1
  • F2: front yard, replicate 2
  • F3: front yard, replicate 3
  • F4: front yard, replicate 4
  • B1: back yard, replicate 1
  • B2: back yard, replicate 2
  • B3: back yard, replicate 3
  • B4: back yard, replicate 4
  • S1: side yard, replicate 1
  • S2: side yard, replicate 2
  • S3: side yard, replicate 3
  • S4: side yard, replicate 4
  • T1: tree or shrub, replicate 1
  • T2: tree or shrub, replicate 2
  • T3: tree or shrub, replicate 3
  • T4: tree or shrub, replicate 4
  • T5: tree or shrub, replicate 5
  • T6: tree or shrub, replicate 6
  • T7: tree or shrub, replicate 7
  • T8: tree or shrub, replicate 8
  • 1: common area, replicate 1
  • 2: common area, replicate 2
  • 3: common area, replicate 3
  • 4: common area, replicate 4
  • 5: common area, replicate 5
gps_id soil sampling location id in the baselineSoilSamplingLocations shapefile
sample_date date of sample collection
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
soil_N_FW fresh weight of soil sample for analysis
pan weight of pan used for sample analysis
pan_plus_FW weight of pan and fresh soil subsample
pan_plus_DW60 weight of pan and dry soil subsample dried at 60-degrees celsius
ratio_DWFW soil moisture correction factor from the ratio of dry weight to fresh weight
soil_N_DW dry weight of soil sample for analysis as determined by the product of the fresh weight of the the soil sample (soil_N_FW) and the soil moisture correction factor (ratio_DWFW)
NO3_N nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentration of soil KCl extraction (50 mL)
NH4_N ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N) concentration of soil KCl extraction (50 mL)
soilNO3_N ratio of mass of soil NO3-N to dry mass of soil from the product of the extract NO3-N concentration (NO3_N) and the extract volume (50 mL) over the dry weight of the soil sample (soil_N_DW)
soilNH4_N ratio of mass of soil NO4-N to dry mass of soil from the product of the extract NO4-N concentration (NO4_N) and the extract volume (50 mL) over the dry weight of the soil sample (soil_N_DW)

Tabular: 628_baselinePhosphorus_da892a41164423d7cf30f551f73c1d37.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to extractable soil phosphorus concentrations at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site prior to the installation of landscape treatments

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type and the dwelling number corresponding to that yard or COMMON in the case of the common area
top_bottom top or bottom layer of the 1-inch soil core
  • top: top ten centimeters of the soil core (0-10 cm)
  • bottom: bottom twenty centimeters of the soil core (10-30 cm)
sample_id sample location relative to the dwelling or a replicate number only in the case of common area samples
  • F1: front yard, replicate 1
  • F2: front yard, replicate 2
  • F3: front yard, replicate 3
  • F4: front yard, replicate 4
  • B1: back yard, replicate 1
  • B2: back yard, replicate 2
  • B3: back yard, replicate 3
  • B4: back yard, replicate 4
  • S1: side yard, replicate 1
  • S2: side yard, replicate 2
  • S3: side yard, replicate 3
  • S4: side yard, replicate 4
  • T1: tree or shrub, replicate 1
  • T2: tree or shrub, replicate 2
  • T3: tree or shrub, replicate 3
  • T4: tree or shrub, replicate 4
  • T5: tree or shrub, replicate 5
  • T6: tree or shrub, replicate 6
  • T7: tree or shrub, replicate 7
  • T8: tree or shrub, replicate 8
  • 1: common area, replicate 1
  • 2: common area, replicate 2
  • 3: common area, replicate 3
  • 4: common area, replicate 4
  • 5: common area, replicate 5
gps_id soil sampling location id in the baselineSoilSamplingLocations shapefile
sample_date date of sample collection
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
soil_P_DW dry weight of soil sample for analysis
PO4_P phosphate-phosphorus concentration of soil sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) extraction (40 mL); concentration is blank-corrected based on an average blank value = 0.08
soilPO4_P ratio of mass of soil PO4_P to dry mass of soil from the product of the extract PO4_P concentration (PO4_P) and the extract volume (40 mL) over the dry weight of the soil sample (soil_P_DW)

Tabular: 628_baselineMoistureOrganicMatter_ddd82eeebb18c12d13cf1a03bcc0d574.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to soil moisture and organic matter at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site prior to the installation of landscape treatments

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type and the dwelling number corresponding to that yard or COMMON in the case of the common area
top_bottom top or bottom layer of the 1-inch soil core
  • top: top ten centimeters of the soil core (0-10 cm)
  • bottom: bottom twenty centimeters of the soil core (10-30 cm)
sample_id sample location relative to the dwelling or a replicate number only in the case of common area samples
  • F1: front yard, replicate 1
  • F2: front yard, replicate 2
  • F3: front yard, replicate 3
  • F4: front yard, replicate 4
  • B1: back yard, replicate 1
  • B2: back yard, replicate 2
  • B3: back yard, replicate 3
  • B4: back yard, replicate 4
  • S1: side yard, replicate 1
  • S2: side yard, replicate 2
  • S3: side yard, replicate 3
  • S4: side yard, replicate 4
  • T1: tree or shrub, replicate 1
  • T2: tree or shrub, replicate 2
  • T3: tree or shrub, replicate 3
  • T4: tree or shrub, replicate 4
  • T5: tree or shrub, replicate 5
  • T6: tree or shrub, replicate 6
  • T7: tree or shrub, replicate 7
  • T8: tree or shrub, replicate 8
  • 1: common area, replicate 1
  • 2: common area, replicate 2
  • 3: common area, replicate 3
  • 4: common area, replicate 4
  • 5: common area, replicate 5
gps_id soil sampling location id in the baselineSoilSamplingLocations shapefile
sample_date date of sample collection
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
pan weight of pan used for sample analysis
pan_plus_FW weight of pan and fresh soil subsample
pan_plus_DW60 weight of pan and dry soil subsample dried at 60-degrees C
pan_plus_AW weight of pan and ashed soil subsample dried at 500-degrees Celsius
soil_FW fresh weight of soil sample before processing
percent_moisture dimensionless
percent_organic dimensionless

Tabular: 628_baselineTotalNitrogenCarbon_2a3423c8319ec09d7f37a10bd6f15ccc.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to soil total nitrogen and carbon species at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site prior to the installation of landscape treatments

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type and the dwelling number corresponding to that yard or COMMON in the case of the common area
top_bottom top or bottom layer of the 1-inch soil core
  • top: top ten centimeters of the soil core (0-10 cm)
  • bottom: bottom twenty centimeters of the soil core (10-30 cm)
sample_id sample location relative to the dwelling or a replicate number only in the case of common area samples
  • F1: front yard, replicate 1
  • F2: front yard, replicate 2
  • F3: front yard, replicate 3
  • F4: front yard, replicate 4
  • B1: back yard, replicate 1
  • B2: back yard, replicate 2
  • B3: back yard, replicate 3
  • B4: back yard, replicate 4
  • S1: side yard, replicate 1
  • S2: side yard, replicate 2
  • S3: side yard, replicate 3
  • S4: side yard, replicate 4
  • T1: tree or shrub, replicate 1
  • T2: tree or shrub, replicate 2
  • T3: tree or shrub, replicate 3
  • T4: tree or shrub, replicate 4
  • T5: tree or shrub, replicate 5
  • T6: tree or shrub, replicate 6
  • T7: tree or shrub, replicate 7
  • T8: tree or shrub, replicate 8
  • 1: common area, replicate 1
  • 2: common area, replicate 2
  • 3: common area, replicate 3
  • 4: common area, replicate 4
  • 5: common area, replicate 5
gps_id soil sampling location id in the baselineSoilSamplingLocations shapefile
sample_date date of sample collection
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
percent_total_n percentage of total nitrogen
percent_total_c percentage of total carbon
percent_inorg_c percentage of inorganic carbon

Tabular: 628_moistureOrganicMatter2009_65f2ab4cf57867834864a010d4e8e1ed.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to soil moisture and organic matter collected in 30-cm cores at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site in May 2009

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • control: mini-neighborhood where a landscaping treatment was not applied
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type, habitat code, and replicate number
habitat general habitat from which the sample was collected
  • canopy: sample collected beneath the canopy of a tree or shrub
  • open: sample collected from a location with an open canopy
  • turf (at oasis): sample collected from the turf covered area of the oasis treatment area
replicate sample replicate number
gps_id soil sampling location id in the soilSamplingLocations2009 shapefile
pan weight of pan used for sample analysis
pan_plus_FW weight of pan and fresh soil subsample
pan_plus_DW60 weight of pan and dry soil subsample dried at 60-degrees C
pan_plus_AW weight of pan and ashed soil subsample dried at 500-degrees Celsius
ratio_DWFW soil moisture correction factor from the ratio of dry weight to fresh weight
percent_moisture dimensionless
percent_organic dimensionless

Tabular: 628_totalNitrogenCarbon2009_ffecbab1f6e19fea659ecf845b221901.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to soil total nitrogen and carbon species collected in 30-cm cores at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site in May 2009

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • control: mini-neighborhood where a landscaping treatment was not applied
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type, habitat code, and replicate number
habitat general habitat from which the sample was collected
  • canopy: sample collected beneath the canopy of a tree or shrub
  • open: sample collected from a location with an open canopy
  • turf (at oasis): sample collected from the turf covered area of the oasis treatment area
replicate sample replicate number
gps_id soil sampling location id in the soilSamplingLocations2009 shapefile
percent_total_n percentage of total nitrogen
percent_total_c percentage of total carbon
percent_inorg_c percentage of inorganic carbon

Tabular: 628_phosphorus2009_85a6f095454150e5b45c824361af8c02.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to soil phosporus collected in 30-cm cores at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site in May 2009

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • control: mini-neighborhood where a landscaping treatment was not applied
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type, habitat code, and replicate number
habitat general habitat from which the sample was collected
  • canopy: sample collected beneath the canopy of a tree or shrub
  • open: sample collected from a location with an open canopy
  • turf (at oasis): sample collected from the turf covered area of the oasis treatment area
replicate sample replicate number
gps_id soil sampling location id in the soilSamplingLocations2009 shapefile
soil_P_DW dry weight of soil sample for analysis
PO4_P phosphate-phosporus (PO4-P) concentration of soil sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) (40 mL); concentration is not blank-corrected as the average value of lab blanks was negative
soilPO4_P ratio of mass of soil PO4-P to dry mass of soil from the product of the extract PO4-P concentration (PO4-P) and the extract volume (40 mL) over the dry weight of the soil sample (soil_P_DW)

Tabular: 628_nitrogen2009_cf4292a970ecfa63606b058bc28ed984.csv

Description: sample and analysis details related to extractable soil nitrogen collected in 30-cm cores at the CAP LTER North Desert Village experiment site in May 2009

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
  • mesic: a mixture of exotic high water-use vegetation and shade trees with turf grass
  • xeric: individually watered, low water-use exotic and native plants on granite substrate
  • control: mini-neighborhood where a landscaping treatment was not applied
  • native: native Sonoran desert plants on granite substrate and no supplemental water
  • oasis: a mixture of drip-watered, high and low water-use plants on granite substrate, and sprinkler-irrigated turf grass
sample sample location in the form of the first letter of the treatment type, habitat code, and replicate number
habitat general habitat from which the sample was collected
  • canopy: sample collected beneath the canopy of a tree or shrub
  • open: sample collected from a location with an open canopy
  • turf (at oasis): sample collected from the turf covered area of the oasis treatment area
replicate sample replicate number
gps_id soil sampling location id in the soilSamplingLocations2009 shapefile
soil_N_FW fresh weight of soil sample for analysis
ratio_DWFW soil moisture correction factor from the ratio of dry weight to fresh weight
soil_N_DW dry weight of soil sample for analysis as determined by the product of the fresh weight of the the soil sample (soil_N_FW) and the soil moisture correction factor (ratio_DWFW)
NO3_N nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentration of soil KCl extraction (50 mL); concentration is not blank-corrected as the average value of lab blanks was negative
NH4_N ammonium-nitrogen (NH4-N) concentration of soil KCl extraction (50 mL); concentration is blank-corrected based on an average blank value = 0.059
soilNO3_N ratio of mass of soil NO3-N to dry mass of soil from the product of the extract NO3-N concentration (NO3_N) and the extract volume (50 mL) over the dry weight of the soil sample (soil_N_DW)
soilNH4_N ratio of mass of soil NO4-N to dry mass of soil from the product of the extract NO4-N concentration (NH4_N) and the extract volume (50 mL) over the dry weight of the soil sample (soil_N_DW)

Spatial Vector: baselineSoilSamplingLocations

Description: This zipped file contains a shapefile of fall and winter 2003 soil sampling locations in treatment areas of the CAP LTER North Desert Village Experiment.
Horizontal Coordinate System:GCS_WGS_1984
Geometry Type: Point

Column Description Type Units
ID residence dwelling number
SOILSAMPLE sample id in the form of the first letter of the landscaping treatment + general sampling location + replicate number or position relative to dwelling
xcoord original easting (prior to repositioning of points)
ycoord original northing(prior to repositioning of points)
xmod revised easting (post repositioning of points)
ymod revised northing(post repositioning of points)
Vert_prec Vertical Precision
Horz_prec Horizontal Precision
Std_dev the spread of positions averaged for the point feature
Point_ID record identifier

Spatial Vector: soilSamplingLocations2009

Description: This zipped file contains a shapefile of May 2009 soil sampling locations in treatment areas of the CAP LTER North Desert Village Experiment.
Horizontal Coordinate System:GCS_WGS_1984
Geometry Type: Point

Column Description Type Units
treatment type of landscaping characteristic of that site
comment sample id in the form of habitat(plant (p), interplant (ip) turf) + replicate number
gps_id sample id in the form of the first letter of the treatment + underscore + habitat(plant (p), interplant (ip), turf) + replicate number
GPS_height elevation
Vert_prec Vertical Precision
Horz_prec Horizontal Precision
Std_dev the spread of positions averaged for the point feature
Point_ID record identifier


Description: This zipped file contains the programs that run the Campbell Scientific CR1000 data loggers that are continuously recording data about micrometeorological and subsurface conditions at the CAP LTER North Desert Village Experiment. Sensors and loggers are positioned in the common area of four mini-neighborhoods each refleting a unique landscaping treatment.


Description: This zipped file contains cartoons that detail the approximate location of micromet stations and soil sensors that are continuously recording data about micrometeorological and subsurface conditions at the CAP LTER North Desert Village Experiment. Sensors and loggers are positioned in the common area of four mini-neighborhoods each refleting a unique landscaping treatment.

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