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Survey 200 long term study of multiple sites in central Arizona-Phoenix: pollen

Publication date: 2002


  • Glenn Stuart, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University
  • Diane Hope, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
  • Cynthia Grace Diaz, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University


The Ecological Survey of Central Arizona (ESCA) is an extensive field survey and integrated inventory designed to capture key ecological indicators of the CAP LTER study area consisting of the urbanized, suburbanized, and agricultural areas of metropolitan Phoenix, and the surrounding Sonoran desert. The survey is conducted every five years at approximately 200 sample plots (30m x 30m) that were located randomly using a tessellation-stratified dual-density sampling design. Study plots cover habitats throughout the CAP LTER study area ranging from native Sonoran desert sites to residential yards to an airport tarmac. Measurements include an inventory of all plants (identified to the lowest possible taxonomic unit, typically species), plant biovolume, soil coring for physicochemical properties, arthropod sweep-net sampling, photo documentation, and a visual survey of site and area characteristics. The objectives of the survey are to (1) characterize patches in terms of key biotic, physical, and chemical variables, and (2) examine relationships among land use, general plant diversity, native plant diversity, plant biovolume, soil nutrient status, and social-economic indices along an indirect urban gradient.

A pilot survey was conducted in 1999, and the first full ESCA was conducted in 2000. The maiden survey in 2000 featured a suite of measurements, including quantifying pollen in soil samples, that were not assessed in later surveys. The data set here includes a subset of information from the Survey200/ESCA focusing exclusively on pollen counts in soils collected from the survey plots.

Survey 200 was the original name of the project, and it was renamed to ESCA following the survey conducted in 2015. Investigators interested in more recent survey data, or other variables measured as part of ESCA should search the data catalog for 'ecological survey of central arizona' or 'survey 200'.


Temporal Coverage:

2000-02-03 to 2000-05-17

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-112.783 to -111.579
Latitude:33.8267 to 33.2186


Information Manager, 
Global Institute of Sustainability,Arizona State University,POB 875402,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (1) :

Tabular: 27_pollen_1.csv

Description: Pollen counts by species for each plot

Column Description Type Units
samp_date Date the sample was taken
datetime Format: YYYY-MM-DD
visit_id visit id, encypted date of visit MMDDYYYY
site_id Unique letters and numbers used to identify the sites used int this study
Abies Amount of Abies pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Picea Amount of Picea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Pinus Amount of Pinus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TCT (Total Conifer Taxa) Total amount of conifer taxa pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
CUPRESSACEAE Amount of Cupressaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Alnus Amount of Alnus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
ARACEAE Amount of Araceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Washingtonia Amount of Washingronia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Cycas Amount of cycas pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Brachychiton Amount of brachychiton pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Bursera Amount of Bursera pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Callistemon Amount of Callistemon pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Carissa Amount of Carissa pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Carya Amount of Carya pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
CarpinusOstrya Amount of Carpinus Ostrya pollen at each site
decimal dimensionless
Celtis Amount of celtis pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Citrus Amount of citrus pollen at each site
decimal dimensionless
Corylus Amount of corylus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
EucalyptusMyrtus Amount of eucalyptus myrtus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
FABACEAE Amount of fabaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Acacia Amount of acacia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Bauhinia Amount of Bauhinia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Cassia Amount of cassia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Caesalpinia Amount of caesalpinia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Calliandra Amount of calliandra pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Dalbergia Amount of dalbergia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Dalea Amount of dalea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Lotus Amount of lotus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Mimosa Amount of mimosa pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Marina Amount of marina pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Olneya Amount of olneya pollen found in each sample
decimal dimensionless
Parkinsonia Amount of parkinsonia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Pithecellobium Amount of pithecellobium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Prosopis Amount of prosopis pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Fraxinus Amount of fraxinus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Hibiscus Amount of hibiscus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Jacaranda Amount of jacaranda pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Juglans Amount of juglans pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Larrea Amount of larrea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Ligustrum Amount of ligustrum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Melia Amount of melia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Myoporum Amount of myoporum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Morus Amount of morus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Nerium Amount of Nerium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
NYCTAGINACEAE Amount of nyctaginaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Bougainvillea Amount of bougainvillea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
OleaJasminum Amount of olea jasminum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Pittosporum Amount of pittosporum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Punica Amount of punica pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Populus Amount of populus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Pistacia Amount of pistacia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Quercus Amount of quercus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
ROSACEAE Amount of rosaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Prunus Amount of prunus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Pyracantha Amount of pyracantha pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Rosa Amount of rosa pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Rhamnus Amount of rhamnus pollen at each site
decimal dimensionless
Rhus Amount of rhus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Schinus Amount of schinus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Salix Amount of salix pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Sarcobatus Amount of sarcobatus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Tamarix Amount of tamarix pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Tecoma Amound of tecoma pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Ulmus Amount of ulmus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Vitex Amount of vitex pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Xylosma Amount of xylosma found at each site
decimal dimensionless
EuonymusType Amount of euonymus type pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Gardenia Amount of gardenia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Lantana Amount of lantana pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Leucophyllum Amount of leucohyllum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Ribes Amount of ribes pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Salazaria amount of salazaria pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
SOLANACEAE Amount of solanaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Lycium Amount of lycium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TotalTreeShrubs Total count of tree shrubs
decimal dimensionless
Krameria Amount of krameria pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
HighSpineAsteraceae Amount of high spine asteraceae
decimal dimensionless
LowSpineAsteraceae Amount of low spine asteraceae pollen
decimal dimensionless
AmbrosiaType Amount of ambrosia type pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Liguliflorae Amount of liguliflorea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
ChenoAm Amount of Chenopodium and Ambrosia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
EphedraN amount of ephedra N pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
EphedraT Amount of ephedra T pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Eriogonum Amount of erigonum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
LILIACEAE Amount of liliaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Asparagus Amount of asparagus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Plumbago Amount of plumbago pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Rosmarinus Amount of rosmarinus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Sphaeralcea Amount of sphaeralcea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Tidestromia Amount of tidestromia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Vinca Amount of vinca pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TotalShrubSubshrub Total shrub sub-shrubs pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Simmondsia Amount of simmondsia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
AGAVACEAE Amount of agavaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Yucca Amount of yucca pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Aloe Amount of Aloe pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Hesperaloe Amount of hesper aloe pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
CACTACEAE Amount of cactaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Carnegia Amount of carnegia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Echinocereus Amount of echinocereus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Echinocactus Amount of echinocactus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Ferocactus Amount of ferocactus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Opuntia Amount of opuntia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Cylindropuntia Amount of cylindropuntia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Platyopuntia Amount of platyopuntia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Fouquieria Amount of fouquieria pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Holacantha Amount of holacatha pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TotalXerophyte Amount of total xerphyte pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Acalypha Amount of acalypha pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
APIACEAE Amount of apiaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
CRUCIFERAE Amount of cruciferae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Erodium Amount of erodium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
EUPHORBIACEAE Amount of euphorbiaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
ONAGRACEAE Amount of onagraceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Galium Amount of galium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
JusticiaType Amount of justicia-type pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
LAMIACEAE Amount of lamiaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Ruellia Amount of ruellia pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Rumex Amount of rumex pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Taraxacum Amount of taraxacum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Urtica Amount of urtica pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Verbena Amount of verbena pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TotalHerbForb Total herb pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
CYPERACEAE Amount of cyperaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
POACEAEsmall Amount of small poaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
POACEAlarge Amount of large poaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Cucurbita Amount of cucurbita pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Gossypium Amount of gossypium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Plantago Amount of plantago pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Phaseolus Amount of phaseolus pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Physalis Amount of physalis pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Solanum Amount of solanum pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Zea Amount of zea pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
MALVACEAE Amount of malvaceae pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TotalCropGarden Total amount of crop and garden pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Unknown1 Amount of unidentifiable pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
NID Amount of NID pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
Lycopodium Amount of lycopodium pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
TOTAL Total amount of pollen found at each site
decimal dimensionless
VolumeCubiccm Volume of soil subsample in which the pollen were counted
decimal cubicCentimetersPerCubicCentimeters
LycopodiumAdded Total amount of lycopodium pollen added to the sample
decimal dimensionless

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