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Vegetation surveys at CAP LTER ripirain-area bird-monitoring locations in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area (2013)

Publication date: 2016-10-10


  • Heather Bateman, Arizona State University
  • Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University


Over the past half-century, the greater Phoenix metropolitan area (GPMA) has been one of the fastest growing regions in the US, experiencing rapid urban expansion in addition to urban intensification. This backdrop provides an ideal setting to monitor biodiversity changes in response to urbanization, and the CAP LTER has been using a standardized point-count protocol to monitor the bird population throughout the GPMA and surrounding Sonoran desert region since 2000. A subset of these bird-monitoring sites are located in riparian areas, and additional riparian-area monitoring locations centered on the Salt River as it runs through the GPMA were added in 2013 and 2014. In May and June of 2013, the CAP LTER surveyed the vegetation in 6,400 square meter plots around all of these riparian-area sites as part of an analysis of change in bird abundance and community composition. This dataset catalogs the results of vegetation surveys at nineteen bird-monitoring sites in riparian areas of the GPMA.


Temporal Coverage:

2013-05-20 to 2013-06-03

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-112.305 to -111.609
Latitude:33.56 to 33.3825


Data Manager, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 
PO Box 875402,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (4) :

Tabular: 637_veg_site_level_4d55c89837fb9439a15022450cf57b16.csv

Description: sampling details, and general characteristics and vegetative features of 6,400 square meter study plots surrounding CAP LTER long-term bird monitoring locations in riparian areas where vegetation surveys were conducted in May and June 2013.

Column Description Type Units
SITE ID research location identifier
DATE sampling date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
OBSERVER initials of observers
NATorENG if the site was engineered (man-built, dug channel, planted vegetation, etc) or if it occurred naturally
  • Engineered: man-built, dug channel, planted vegetation, etc
  • Natural: occurring naturally
WATER TYPE 1 if the water near the plot is typically flowing or pooled
  • Flowing: water is predominately flowing
  • Pooled: water is predominately pooled
WATER TYPE 2 if the water near the plot is ephemeral or perennial
  • Ephemeral: water is predominately ephemeral
  • Perennial: water is predominately perennial
LANDSCAPE MGMT at the time of data collection, if landscape management is either Active (conitnuously trimming/managing the vegetation), Semi-active (once in a while the vegetation is trimmed/managed), or Unmanaged (no vegetation trimming)
  • Active: regular trimming or otherwise managing the vegetation
  • Semi-active: vegetation is occassionally trimmed or otherwise managed
  • Unmanaged: vegetation is not trimmed
LANDSCAPE MGMT NOTES notes regarding the vegetation management at the site
% TREES percent composition of TREES defined as woody vegetation > 2m in height OR with a stem diameter >1 inch
float dimensionless
% SHRUBS percent composition of SHRUBS defined as woody vegetation < 2 meter in height OR with stem diameter < 1 inch
float dimensionless
% GHG percent composition of grass or herbaceous ground cover (GHG)
float dimensionless
% CACTI percent composition of CACTI, which includes cacti and succulents
float dimensionless
% MARSH percent composition of marshy areas (as indicated by plant species present, such as cattails)
float dimensionless
% WATER percent of area covered by water at time of survey
float dimensionless
% HWM percent of area within a high water mark
float dimensionless
% IMP SURF percent composition of impervious surface (built) area
float dimensionless
% BG percent composition of bare ground, defined as ground that is NOT vegetated (but not including impervious surface)
float dimensionless
% INACCESSIBLE percent of the plot that could not be accessed, and, thus, unable to survey or walk through. However, vegetation present on inaccessible land is included in the estimate for the other categories (vegetation was estimated from what can be observed in the field and what can be seen on recent aerial images)
float dimensionless
SNAG within the entire 6,400 square meter plot, record if there is presence of large (>6in diam) dead branches/standing dead trees
  • Y: presence of large (>6 in diameter) dead branches or standing dead trees
  • N: large (>6 in diameter) dead branches or standing dead trees are not present
SAGUARO within the entire 6,400 square meter plot, record if Saguaro are present
  • Y: presence of Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea)
  • N: Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) are not present
GENERAL SPECIES LIST list of species that are dominant in the within the entire 6,400 square meter plot
NOTES general notes regarding the site or suvey

Tabular: 637_veg_point_level_fa0deca52e2106cef1ee612fe5a0460e.csv

Description: vegetation survey data from 10 stratified random points within 6,400 square-meter study plots surrounding CAP LTER long-term bird monitoring locations in riparian areas where vegetation surveys were conducted in May and June 2013

Column Description Type Units
SITE ID research location identifier
DATE sampling date
date Format: YYYY-MM-DD
POINT number (of ten) stratified random points within the plot
SUBSTRATE the type of substrate present at the point
  • Bare Ground (Code): no vegetation, refined further in BG CODE
  • Litter & Twigs (<1cm): vegetative material <1cm in diameter
  • Water: if the point is in water
  • Woody debris (>1cm): vegetative material >1cm in diameter
BG CODE bare ground code providing further resolution of bare ground substrates
  • B: Boulder (>256mm)
  • C: Cobble (32 - 256mm)
  • G: Gravel (2 - 32mm)
  • I: Impervious/man-made
  • MS: Mud/silt (<0.1mm)
  • S: Sand (0.1 - 2mm)
  • BR: Bedrock
FHD 1 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 1: 0 - 0.013m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 2 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 2: 0.013 - 0.6m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 3 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 3: 0.6 - 1.5m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 4 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 4: 1.5 - 3.0m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 5 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 5: 3.0 - 4.5m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 6 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 6: 4.5 - 6.0m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 7 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 7: 6 - 9m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
FHD 8 FOLIAGE HEIGHT DIVERSITY (FHD): record yes or no if green foliage touches an imaginary 10-cm disc surrounding the pole for height class: FHD 8: >9m
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
PVC 1 % VEGETATION COVER (PVC): percentage best describing the vegetation filling a 0.5-m diameter cylinder around the pole for height class: PVC 1: 0 - 0.6m
  • 1: None
  • 2: 0 - 1%
  • 3: 1 - 5%
  • 4: 5 - 25%
  • 5: 25 - 50%
  • 6: 50 - 75%
  • 7: 75 - 95%
  • 8: 95 - 100%
PVC 2 % VEGETATION COVER (PVC): percentage best describing the vegetation filling a 0.5-m diameter cylinder around the pole for height class: PVC 2: 0.6 - 1.5m
  • 1: None
  • 2: 0 - 1%
  • 3: 1 - 5%
  • 4: 5 - 25%
  • 5: 25 - 50%
  • 6: 50 - 75%
  • 7: 75 - 95%
  • 8: 95 - 100%
PVC 3 % VEGETATION COVER (PVC): percentage best describing the vegetation filling a 0.5-m diameter cylinder around the pole for height class: PVC 3: 1.5 - 4.5m
  • 1: None
  • 2: 0 - 1%
  • 3: 1 - 5%
  • 4: 5 - 25%
  • 5: 25 - 50%
  • 6: 50 - 75%
  • 7: 75 - 95%
  • 8: 95 - 100%
PVC 4 % VEGETATION COVER (PVC): percentage best describing the vegetation filling a 0.5-m diameter cylinder around the pole for height class: PVC 4: >4.5m (includes vegetation from 4.5m to the top of the canopy)
  • 1: None
  • 2: 0 - 1%
  • 3: 1 - 5%
  • 4: 5 - 25%
  • 5: 25 - 50%
  • 6: 50 - 75%
  • 7: 75 - 95%
  • 8: 95 - 100%
BURROWS number of burrows observed within a 5m radius subplot around the point
float number
# SPECIES number of perennial woody species present within a 5m radius subplot around the point
float number
% COTTONWOOD % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Populus
float dimensionless
% WILLOW % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Salix = grouping all the Salix species together
float dimensionless
% TAMARIX % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Tamarix
float dimensionless
% MESQUITE % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Prosopis = grouping all the Prosopis species together
float dimensionless
% CREOSOTE % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Larrea tridentata
float dimensionless
% BEBBIA JUNCEA % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Bebbia juncea
float dimensionless
% ORNAMENTAL % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Ornamental = group species that are non-native but used or are imported as ornamental plants (e.g., = Vitex agnus-castus, Ricinus communis, Rhus lancea, and Eucalyptus tree)
float dimensionless
% WATER % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Water = area of the subplot covered by water
float dimensionless
% MARSH CATTAILS % COVER best representing the area of a 5m radius subplot around the point covered by: Marshy areas = areas of the subplot covered by marshy areas (as indicated per plant species present such as cattails)
float dimensionless
Y/N BRITTLEBUSH PRESENCE/ABSENCE, if present within a 5m radius subplot around the point: Brittlebush
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
Y/N TRIANGLE BURSAGE PRESENCE/ABSENCE, if present within a 5m radius subplot around the point: Triangle Bursage
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
Y/N CACTI PRESENCE/ABSENCE, if present within a 5m radius subplot around the point: Cacti ( includes cacti and succulents)
  • Y: present
  • N: not present
CC 1 number of open dots on a concave densiometer (96 open dots = 0% canopy cover; 0 open dots = 100% canopy cover). The 4 readings (N, S, W, E) are reported as CC 1, CC 2, CC 3, CC 4
float number
CC 2 number of open dots on a concave densiometer (96 open dots = 0% canopy cover; 0 open dots = 100% canopy cover). The 4 readings (N, S, W, E) are reported as CC 1, CC 2, CC 3, CC 4
float number
CC 3 number of open dots on a concave densiometer (96 open dots = 0% canopy cover; 0 open dots = 100% canopy cover). The 4 readings (N, S, W, E) are reported as CC 1, CC 2, CC 3, CC 4
float number
CC 4 number of open dots on a concave densiometer (96 open dots = 0% canopy cover; 0 open dots = 100% canopy cover). The 4 readings (N, S, W, E) are reported as CC 1, CC 2, CC 3, CC 4
float number

File: 637_veg_survey_locations_048f2086fd608bd7a76c1bfeeadae47e.kml

Description: CAP LTER bird-monitoring locations in riparian areas throughout the greater Phoenix metropolitan area - vegetation suvey data presented in this dataset were conducted in a 6,400 square meter area (square, 40-m radius) around each point


Description: vegetation survey locations of the 10 stratified random points within each 6,400 square-meter study plot surrounding CAP LTER long-term bird monitoring locations in riparian areas where vegetation surveys were conducted in May and June 2013; a separate kml file is presented for each sampling location with the naming convention of site-name_point

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