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Stormwater runoff and water quality in urbanized watersheds of the greater Phoenix metropolitan area

Publication date: 2016-01-04


  • Nancy Grimm
  • Stevan Earl
  • Rebecca Hale
  • Laura Turnbull


Urbanization dramatically alters watershed ecosystem processes. Land-use change and anthropogenic activities contribute to increased inputs of nutrients and other materials, while changes to land cover alter hydrology and the corresponding movement of materials. These changes have ramifications for both watershed processes and downstream systems. The impacts of urbanization on aquatic systems are well-studied, and frequently encapsulated in the ‘urban stream syndrome’ (Walsh et al. 2005) that describes, among others, increased nutrient loading and stream flashiness. However, there is some evidence that aridland cities behave differently (Grimm et al. 2004, 2005), and the complex dynamics among catchment characteristics, storm attributes, and runoff in highly urbanized settings of the Southwest remains poorly understood.

To enhance our understanding of stormwater dynamics and watershed functioning in aridland, urban environments, the Central Arizona–Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research (CAP LTER) program began monitoring stormwater runoff at the outflow of the Indian Bend Wash (IBW) in 2008. The IBW is a major drainage in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area, draining much of the City of Scottsdale, and a tributary to the Salt River. A model of soft engineering, the IBW as it runs through the City of Scottsdale is comprised largely of a series of artificial lakes, parks, paths, golf courses, ball fields and other non-structural elements designed with the dual roles of providing outdoor amenities to the City residents and as a floodplain. A unique biogeochemistry of this novel system is detailed by Roach et al. (2008), and Roach and Grimm (2011).

Stormwater sampling is conducted near the outflow of the IBW ~0.6 km above its confluence with the Salt River. The sampling location coincides with a permanent USGS gauging station (USGS 09512162 INDIAN BEND WASH AT CURRY ROAD, TEMPE, AZ) that provides corresponding discharge data. Automated stormwater sampling equipment (ISCO® 6700 automated pump sampler) is used to collect discrete stormwater samples throughout the hydrograph of most runoff-generating storms.

Data and expertise garnered by the stormwater monitoring near the outflow of the IBW helped pave the way for a more expansive stormwater research effort facilitated by a leveraged grant from the National Science Foundation (DEB-0918457, NSF Ecosystems, 2009-13). Through the Stormwater Nitrogen in Arizona (SNAZ) project, ten hierarchically nested urban stormwater catchments in Scottsdale and Tempe, AZ were instrumented with automated stormwater samplers (ISCO® 6700 automated pump samplers). A subset of those 11 locations were fitted with bubbler modules (ISCO® 720 bubbler modules) for quantifying water height (and subsequently discharge), and tipping-bucket rain gauges (ISCO® 674). The ten study catchments differed in type of stormwater infrastructure, spanning a continuum from highly engineered stormwater infrastructure in older residential areas to non-engineered washes in the desert, but not in land-use type (land use in all study catchments is predominantly residential). As per sampling near the outflow of the IBW, discrete stormwater samples were collected from most runoff-generating storms at the outflow of the 10 study catchments from the fall of 2010 through the summer 2012. Rainfall samples were collected at a subset of the locations during several storms to provide data that would contribute to an assessment of sources of materials in runoff. Results of this study are detailed by Hale et al. (2014a, 2014b). Sampling at most locations ceased at the end of the SNAZ award period, but the CAP LTER continues its long-term monitoring of runoff near the outflow of the IBW.

Grimm N.B., Arrowsmith J.R., Eisinger C., Heffernan J., MacLeod A., Lewis D.B., et al. (2004) Effects of urbanization on nutrient biogeochemistry of aridland streams. In: Geophysical Monograph Series. (Eds R.S. DeFries, G.P. Asner and R.A. Houghton), pp. 129–146. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C.

Grimm N.B., Sheibley R.W., Crenshaw C.L., Dahm C.N., Roach W.J. and Zeglin L.H. (2005) N retention and transformation in urban streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24, 626–642.

Hale R.L., Turnbull L., Earl S., Grimm N., Riha K., Michalski G., et al. (2014a) Sources and Transport of Nitrogen in Arid Urban Watersheds. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 6211–6219.

Hale R.L., Turnbull L., Earl S.R., Childers D.L. and Grimm N.B. (2014b) Stormwater Infrastructure Controls Runoff and Dissolved Material Export from Arid Urban Watersheds. Ecosystems 18, 62–75.

Roach W.J. and Grimm N.B. (2011) Denitrification mitigates N flux through the stream–floodplain complex of a desert city. Ecological Applications 21, 2618–2636.

Roach W.J., Heffernan J.B., Grimm N.B., Arrowsmith J.R., Eisinger C. and Rychener T. (2008) Unintended consequences of urbanization for aquatic ecosystems: a case study from the arizona desert. BioScience 58, 715–727.

Walsh C.J., Roy A.H., Feminella J.W., Cottingham P.D., Groffman P.M. and Morgan II R.P. (2005) The urban stream syndrome: current knowledge and the search for a cure. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24, 706–723.


Temporal Coverage:

2008-01-29 to 2015-09-01

Geographic Coverage:

Geographic Description: CAP LTER study area
Bounding Coordinates:
Longitude:-112.044 to -111.856
Latitude:33.6618 to 33.4382


Data Manager, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University, 
PO Box 875402,Tempe

Methods used in producing this dataset: Show

Data Files (8) :

Tabular: runoffChemistry

Description: stormwater runoff chemistry during runoff-generating storms at CAP LTER stormwater sampling sites

Column Description Type Units
runoffLocation location short code (reference location details in samplingLocation table)
  • IBW: Indian Bend Wash
  • BV: Bella Vista
  • CB: Camelback
  • ENC: Encantada
  • KP: Kiwanis Park
  • LM: Lake Marguerite
  • MR: Martin Residence
  • MS: Montessori
  • PIE: Pierce
  • SGC: Silverado Golf Course
  • SW: Sweetwater
runoffDatetime collection date and time
replicate sample replicate number
analysis analyte quantified (reference analysis details in the analyses table
  • CaD_FLAME_AA: Dissolved Calcium (FLAME AA)
  • CaD_ICP: Dissolved Calcium (ICP)
  • ClD_LACHAT: Dissolved Chloride (LACHAT)
  • DOC_TOC: Dissolved organic carbon in mg/l
  • KD_ICP: Dissolved Potassium (ICP)
  • MgD_ICP: Dissolved Magnesium (ICP)
  • NaD_ICP: Dissolved Sodium (ICP)
  • NH4_LACHAT: Ammonium (LACHAT), reported as mgN/l
  • NiD_ICP: dissolved nickel (ICP-OES)
  • NO2D_LACHAT: Dissolved Nitrite (LACHAT) reported as mg/L
  • NO3D_IC: Dissolved nitrate (IC), reported as mgN/l
  • NO3D_LACHAT: Dissolved Nitrate (LACHAT), reported as mgN/l
  • NO3T_AQ2: total nitrogen (AQ2)
  • NO3T_TOC_TN: Total Nitrogen by combustion analysis TOC/TN, final value is mgN/L
  • NO3T_TRAACS: Total dissolved Nitrogen (TRAACS), NH4, NO3 and DON are oxidized to NO3 and measured all together, final value is mg N/l
  • PbD_ICP: dissolved lead (ICP-OES)
  • PO4D_LACHAT: Dissolved phosphorus (LACHAT), reported as ugP/l
  • PO4T_AQ2: total phosphorus (AQ2)
  • PO4T_LACHAT: Total phosphorus (LACHAT), reported as ugP/l
  • PO4T_TRAACS: Total phosphorus (TRAACS), reported as ugP/l
  • SO4D_IC: Dissolved sulfate (IC), reported as conc. SO4/l
  • ZnD_ICP: dissolved zinc (ICP-OES)
concentration concentration of analyte
dataQualifier data qualifier flag
comments comments regarding sample
blank boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the sample is a blank
  • TRUE: indicates sample is a blank
  • FALSE: indicates sample is not a blank

Tabular: rainfallChemistry

Description: water chemistry of collected rainfall at CAP LTER stormwater sampling sites

Column Description Type Units
rainLocation location short code (reference location details in samplingLocation table)
  • IBW: Indian Bend Wash
  • BV: Bella Vista
  • CB: Camelback
  • ENC: Encantada
  • KP: Kiwanis Park
  • LM: Lake Marguerite
  • MR: Martin Residence
  • MS: Montessori
  • PIE: Pierce
  • SGC: Silverado Golf Course
  • SW: Sweetwater
rainDatetime collection date and time
replicate sample replicate number
analysis analyte quantified (reference analysis details in the analyses table
  • CaD_ICP: Dissolved Calcium (ICP)
  • ClD_LACHAT: Dissolved Chloride (LACHAT)
  • PO4D_LACHAT: Dissolved phosphorus (LACHAT), reported as ugP/l
  • PO4T_TRAACS: Total phosphorus (TRAACS), reported as ugP/l
  • DOC_TOC: Dissolved organic carbon in mg/l
  • NO3T_TOC_TN: Total Nitrogen by combustion analysis TOC/TN, final value is mgN/L
  • NO3T_TRAACS: Total dissolved Nitrogen (TRAACS), NH4, NO3 and DON are oxidized to NO3 and measured all together, final value is mg N/l
  • NaD_ICP: Dissolved Sodium (ICP)
  • ZnD_ICP: dissolved zinc (ICP-OES)
  • NH4_LACHAT: Ammonium (LACHAT), reported as mgN/l
  • NO3D_LACHAT: Dissolved Nitrate (LACHAT), reported as mgN/l
concentration concentration of analyte
dataQualifier data qualifier flag
comments comments regarding sample

Tabular: rainfall

Description: depth of precipitation as measured by tipping bucket rain gauge at CAP LTER stormwater sampling sites

Column Description Type Units
rainLocation location short code (reference location details in samplingLocation table)
  • BV: Bella Vista
  • ENC: Encantada
  • KP: Kiwanis Park
  • MR: Martin Residence
  • MS: Montessori
  • SW: Sweetwater
rainDatetime measurement date and time
rainQuantity precipitation amount

Tabular: discharge

Description: discharge at CAP LTER stormwater sampling sites

Column Description Type Units
dischargeLocation location short code (reference location details in samplingLocation table)
  • BV: Bella Vista
  • ENC: Encantada
  • KP: Kiwanis Park
  • LM: Lake Marguerite
  • MR: Martin Residence
  • MS: Montessori
  • PIE: Pierce
  • SGC: Silverado Golf Course
  • SW: Sweetwater
dischargeDatetime measurement date and time
waterHeight water height above sensor
rawDischarge discharge (Q) estimated from Manning equation
editedDischarge corrections to rawDischarge

Tabular: particulates

Description: mass of particulates in stormwater during runoff-generating storms at CAP LTER stormwater sampling sites

Column Description Type Units
particleLocation location short code (reference location details in samplingLocation table)
  • IBW: Indian Bend Wash
  • BV: Bella Vista
  • CB: Camelback
  • ENC: Encantada
  • KP: Kiwanis Park
  • LM: Lake Marguerite
  • MR: Martin Residence
  • MS: Montessori
  • PIE: Pierce
  • SGC: Silverado Golf Course
  • SW: Sweetwater
particleDatetime measurement date and time
replicate sample replicate number
filterWt weight of clean, ashed filter
filterDryWt dry filter weight
volFiltered volume of sample filtered
filterAshWt ashed weight of filter
dataQualifier data qualifier flag
comments comments regarding sample

Tabular: samplingLocation

Description: catalog of CAP LTER stormwater sampling locations

Column Description Type Units
shortCode location short code
name name of sampling location
latitude latitude of sampling location
longitude longitude of sampling location

Tabular: analyses

Description: catalog of water chemistry analytes measured as part of CAP LTER stormwater monitoring

Column Description Type Units
analysis analyte quantified
description analyte description
units unit of measure
instrument analytical instrument

Spatial Vector: stormwaterSamplingWatersheds

Description: This zipped file contains a shapefile detailing the location and configuration of watersheds that are or have been sampled as part of the CAP LTER's research on stormwater monitoring in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area.
Horizontal Coordinate System:GCS_WGS_1984
Geometry Type: Polygon

Column Description Type Units
ID aribtrary identifier
Site watershed name
Area polygon area
Area_ha polygon area

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